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Бесплатный вебинар о том, как искусственный интеллект поставить на помощь рекрутеру, повторим 23 июня.


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Presentation skills training

Марита Портнягина
Бизнес-тренер по продажам, эффективному руководству и личностному/профессиональному развитию, психолог.
Место проведения

г. Москва, ул. Вятская, д. 70

16 часов
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О тренинге
Как зарегистрироваться

Who is this training for:

Top-managers, senior managers, middle managers, all those who have to present in English.

How you will benefit

  • Tailor your presentation to your audience.
  • Use techniques to overcome nervousness.
  • Learn how to project your voice and use pauses to dramatize your point.
  • Expertly handle difficult questions and situations.
  • Communicate with clarity and conviction.
  • Gain confidence in your presentation skills.

What you will gain

  • Overcome fear of speaking publicly in English.
  • Improve your English language skills needed for effective presentation.
  • Make your presentations more structured and native-speaker like.
  • Add to your confidence.
  • Get all necessary recommendations for further development and improvement.

Modules to cover

  • Creating a positive first impression.
  • Increasing credibility.
  • Communicating with greater impact.
  • Motivating others to action.
  • Responding to pressure situations.
  • Inspiring people to embrace change.


The basics of presentation

  • Different purposes of presentation.
  • What makes the presentation effective.
  • Typical mistakes.
  • Diagnostics with feedback – what participants can make (as well as video recording and self-analysis).

Planning and preparation

  • Study your audience.
  • Foresee forms of interaction with the audience.
  • Collect and structure your material.
  • How you will start.
  • How you will finish.
  • How do you define a planned result of the presentation.
  • Prepare in advance for unexpected situations.
  • Prepare for Q&A session.


  • Forming a positive image and first impression.
  • Charisma of a speaker.
  • Mind your body language (gestures and eye-contact).
  • Playing with your voice (tone, emphasis, pauses).
  • The rules of confident behavior.
  • Tools to make your language persuasive and inspiring.

Presentation language

  • Difference between Russian and English language presentations.
  • Grammar of the presentation.
  • How to introduce yourself and your talk.
  • Key words and phrases for linking ideas/ slides.
  • Most commonly used clichés.
  • How to describe graphs, charts and trends.
  • Summarizing.


  • Audio and video sessions (Best practices, Worst practices).
  • Practice the start, the body and the end separately (until it becomes perfect).
  • Getting a feedback from a trainer and other participants.
  • Video recording of presentations, feedback, self-analysis.
  • Writing your personal development plan (action plan).

09:30 – 10:00 - РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ
10:00 – 11:20 - Первый блок программы
11:20 – 11:35 - Кофе-пауза
11:35 – 13:00 - Второй блок программы
13:00 – 14:00 - Обед
14:00 – 15:45 - Третий блок программы
15:45 – 16:00 - Кофе-пауза
16:00 – 17:30 - Четвертый блок программы

Как зарегистрироваться на тренинг:

  • Вы можете позвонить по телефону +7 (495) 796-11-35
  • Написать на электронный адрес: info@src-master.ru
  • Заполнить заявку ниже
О тренинге
Как зарегистрироваться

Название: Presentation skills training

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